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Generative Engine Optimization Framework – How to Write For Generative AI?

Generative Engine Optimization Framework - How to Write For Generative AI


SEO For AI Search (SGE)

The way users find information online is undergoing a revolution with the rise of generative AI. Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) and similar technologies are shaking things up, and we, as SEOs and content creators, need to be ahead of the curve.

Today, we’ll explore this new frontier – Search Experience Optimization (SXO) – and how to craft content that thrives in the generative landscape.

What is Search Generative Experience?

Imagine a world where Google doesn’t just show you links, it provides concise summaries, answers your questions directly, and even engages in conversation-like interactions. That’s the promise of SGE. It leverages AI to understand search intent and synthesize information from various sources, offering users a richer, more immediate search experience.

Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) uses generative artificial intelligence to provide users with quick and clear overviews of search topics.

Google’s generative AI search uses natural language processing, machine learning, and deep learning to understand a user’s search query and formulate an appropriate response.

Google’s “Search Generative Experience (SGE)” is still experimental.

SGEs are powered by Google’s Large Language Model (LLM), its general-purpose model PaLM 2, and Multitask Unified Model (MUM).

Why Should We Care About GEO?

The way users interact with search results is changing. Instead of clicking through multiple links, they might get what they need directly from SGE’s summaries. This means content that ranks well traditionally might not be as visible in the future. SXO helps us adapt by creating content that resonates with AI algorithms and caters to this new search behavior.


Optimizing for the Generative AI Age

Though too early to gauge the full impact of this conversational AI approach, I expect the traffic effect will be similar to earlier zero-click results because many searchers will get the answer they need without going to another site. In that case, top-level traffic would decline, but conversion rates might increase because people who click to visit the sites are more interested.

So, how do we SEO-proof ourselves for the future? Here are some key strategies:


The world of SEO is evolving, and SXO is the new frontier. By embracing these strategies and staying informed about the latest advancements, we can ensure our content remains visible and valuable in the face of generative search. Remember, the goal remains the same – to provide users with the information they need in the most efficient way possible. So, let’s adapt, innovate, and continue to be the masters of search!

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